the back Story

THERE ARE NO RULES WHEN it comes to style

Pondered Goods was an infant idea many moons ago, back when walking through feet of snow to school was a thing (just kidding)! On a serious note, it was conceived when a young woman was just coming into adulthood and it festered there for years. At a crossroads years later the vision came to fruition after much thought, consideration and throwing caution to the wind of course! Hailing from small business owners on both sides of the family, perhaps it was meant to be all along. One brick + mortar (now closed) a couple names and re-branding, Pondered Goods has solidified its stake and caters to provide you with design-minded, long lasting, stylish products that you can feel refreshed after purchasing.





Dedicated and thorough research goes into every new maker + brand we carry. Fast and cheap are not what we aim to provide you with. We offer intentionally made items from transparent brands for products that go the distance. We ponder the goods to make it easy for you, life is crazy and busy enough! If there is something you would like to see as an addition to the current offerings or know of an amazing brand, we are always here with open ears.



Sustainability and eco friendly packaging solutions have been a core value since the beginning. All packaging is recycled, reused and/or curbside recyclable to ensure we are doing our part toward a better tomorrow.

We also save boxes to reuse, which are in outstanding condition and have had only dry contents within them.